Seven little cats glasses cloth
The cute cat face & cats are everywhere, keep you warm when you use this glasses cloth…

貓鼠情深 "盡在不言中" (問候卡)
“For a very special friend..” 貓鼠情深款款盡在不言中,這張問候卡定可為您向心中所愛傳情達意
A special friend greeting card
“For a very special friend..” this greeting card is sure to convey your love to your heart

花少女與淘氣躲貓貓 ‧方型明信片
好奇的送花少女,正在尋找那隻淘氣的貓咪蹤影,您願意在這別緻的方型明信片中也一起找那小貓嗎 ?
Would you like to find the kitten in this chic square postcard for the teenager girl too ?

Little angel in snowy postcard
The little angel walking with tame fawn & bunnies in snowy night, feels infinite warmth !

Happy Life 情侶筷子及筷架套裝
“Happy Life”典雅情侶筷子,連同屋子型筷架附於泡桐木盒,作為小禮物,相信令收禮者倍感窩心。
“Happy Life” A pair set of chopsticks and chopstick rest that is perfect for a small gift.
“鈴蘭味” 香膏
* 流行及揉和的香水產品,以香膏形式的新穎設計,方便攜帶…
Daily Delight Kneaded Perfume ”Lily of the Valley” Daily Delight Kneaded Perfume
The new package is a screw type, so the lid will not come off even in the pouch

J-mode Ring 日式陶瓷杯典雅禮盒
The warmth of the soil , the sober and calm appearance gently create a moment of bliss.
AR 特色玩味生日賀卡(生日石) 【日本製】
這是一張融合了 AR(增強現實)技術的賀卡。
Web-AR 不需要下載應用程序,因此您可以輕鬆享受它。
AR birthday Card Birthstone (Made in Japan)
Message card that can be played with AR
It is a greeting card that incorporates AR (Augmented Reality) technology.
The birthstone rough is drawn on the card. When you read the AR marker with your smartphone, a mineral ore will appear, and if you keep tapping it, it will change into a beautiful gem and a congratulatory message will be displayed. It is a hands-on card that you can enjoy even after receiving it.