AR 特色玩味生日賀卡 “3月”(生日石) 【日本製】AR birthday card_”March” birthstone (Made in Japan)
* 這是一張融合了 AR(增強現實)技術的賀卡。
Web-AR 不需要下載應用程序,因此您可以輕鬆享受它。
Message card that can be played with AR
~ It is a greeting card that incorporates AR (Augmented Reality) technology.
The birthstone rough is drawn on the card. When you read the AR marker with your smartphone, a mineral ore will appear, and if you keep tapping it, it will change into a beautiful gem and a congratulatory message will be displayed. It is a hands-on card that you can enjoy even after receiving it.
■材料/組件:紙 paper
■包裝:獨立包裝 Individual packaging
■產地:日本 (Made in Japan)
AR birthday card
1月 January – Garnet 石榴石
2月 February – Amethyst 紫水晶
3月 March – Aquamarine 海藍寶石
4月 April – Diamond 鑽石
5月 May – Emerald 翡翠
6月 June – Moonstone 月亮石
7月 July – Ruby 紅寶石
8月 August – Peridot 橄欖石
9月 September – Sapphire 藍寶石
10月 October – Opal 蛋白石
11月 November – Topaz 黃玉
12月 December – Turquoise 綠松石
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